Mr. Guiliano

Mr. B. Giuliano's
Grade 7
Room 217
I wouldlike to take this time to welcome all students and parents to anotheryear here at St. Catherine of Siena School.  Also welcome to all newstudents and parents to our school family.  

We are headed into another busy but exciting school year that willinvolve many educational, fun and interesting activities. I hope thatstudents and parents will use and find this site helpful.  This sitewill contain classroom activities, functions and homework that allparents and students can access.

Thank You

Mr. B. Giuliano
To assignments, please send to:
[email protected]

1241493333Religion: Who Am I?
-Examining our relationships with family, friends, ourself and God
-Understanding who we are
-Reflections on our relationships

1241493333Math: Mathematics 7 - Making Connections
-Measurement and Number Sense
-2-Dimensional Geometry
-Probability and Number Sense
-Fractions, Decimals and Percents
-3-Dimensional Geometry and Measurement
-Data Management: Collection and Display
-Data Management: Analysis and Evaluation
-Algebra: Patterning and Equations
-Practice Test

1241493333Language: Writing, Reading, Media and Oral visual Communication

-The Writing Process
-Descriptive Writing
-Short Stories
-Question and Answer

1241493333Science: Pure Substances and Mixtures
-Pure Substances and Mixtures
-Solvents and Solutions
-Saturated or Unsaturated
-Solubility and Saturation
-The Importance of Water
-Water Quality
-Cleaning Up Our Water

-Covered Next Term

1241493333Geography: Physical Geography

-Regions and Boundaries
-People on the move
-Patterns in movement
-The Environment
-Environment and affects on people

1241493333Health and Phys. Ed.

-Healthy Eating
-Food choices
-Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
-Substance Use, Addictions and Behaviours
-Active living
-Participation in Physical Activities
-importance of active living and living healthy
-Movement Competence (skills, concepts and strategies)
-team building activities