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Update # 5 - Oct. 24, 2016
Published on Oct 24, 2016 11:57

Hello Everyone:

I hope this note finds you well.

Fall seems to have really arrived...a noticeable drop in temperature, leaves falling continuously and the Toronto Maple Leafs playing again! A few things to keep you up to date with what's happening here at your school:

* Oct. 17 - 31 - "We Scare Hunger" food drive. Our social justice team have organized this drive for the Barrie and Area Food Bank. Please see our website for complete details. Thanks.
* Oct. 26 - Pizza & Milk Program begins for 2016 - 2017
* Oct. 27 - Hot Dog Lunch
* Oct. 31 - Halloween Dance for all kids (by grade). Costumes can be worn.
* Nov. 3 - Hot Dog Lunch
            - Catholic School Community Council meeting @ St. Joan of Arc High School 6:00 - 8:30 pm.
* Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day Service @ CAT 10:30 am
              - Eva Olsson, Holocaust Survivor to speak with our grade 7 & 8 students (pm)
* Nov. 15 - Rosary Apostolate Program
* Nov. 16 - Progress Reports Home
* Nov. 17 - Parent - Teacher Interviews (4:00 pm - 8:00 pm)
* Nov. 18 - PD Day no classes for kids. Parent - Teacher interviews (8:30 am - 3:30 pm)


* We have run a "Home - School" reading program for the past 3+ years quite successfully. Kids read each night...earn a signature from their parents/guardians and then receive "rewards" for their effort. We are planning a "Home - School" math program using incentives for kids to engage in some math activity each night. If you would have interest in sitting in on a planning committee along with staff, please give me a call. We'd love parent input. Thanks for considering.

* Pizza/milk program - each week our school sells milk and pizza to families. The money generated from these sales is used in many ways: subsidizing field trips, classroom activities, staff appreciation (i.e.; providing supper on evenings such as interview night when they remain at school through the supper hour), co-curricular support (i.e.; S.W.E.E.T Days), Guest Speakers (i.e.; Eva Olsson)....and many other school events. If you would like to discuss further, please give me a call. Thanks.

* Inclement Weather Days - a reminder that our school is in the "Central Weather Zone." Our board covers such a large territory that it has been broken into zones. The thinking is that if the weather is bad in Muskoka, why would buses in Barrie be cancelled? If buses are not running in the "Central Zone" that means our buses won't be running for the day...both morning and afternoon. Unless otherwise stated on the radio or website, schools are just means that all our kids will need to be driven to and from school if they are bus students.

also....if buses aren't running on Wednesdays, the pizza lunch they may have ordered will be served on the following day that buses are running...typically the next day. So kids who attend on an inclement weather day that falls on a Wednesday will not receive their pizza (please send in a lunch for them that day). Thanks.

* Parent - Teacher Interviews on November 17 & 18 can be booked on-line as in the past. Information regarding how to sign up for an interview will be shared with you in the next few weeks. Thanks.

As always, please don't hesitate to contact any of our staff with questions associated with your child's experience here at St. Catherine of Siena.

Have a good week.
