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First Day of School Organization - Sept. 3, 2019
Published on Aug 22, 2019 13:39

Hello Everyone:

I hope this note finds you well after what hopefully has been a fantastic summer for your family.

If you are receiving this note and you have moved or your child is changing schools, please call our main office and leave a message for us indicating that your child(ren) will not be returning - this will be a tremendous help to us as we do our final preparations for the beginning of the school year. Thank you.

The main purpose of this note is to share with you information about our first day of school routine. As you know, our school year will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 3 for all our students from grades SK - 8. Our new JK students' parents will receive a letter indicating their child's start date.  JK students do not begin on Sept. 3.

On the morning of the first day of school (Sept. 3) the routine will look like this:

Beginning at 8:50 a.m.

SK Students - Parents are asked to take their child to the kindergarten playground. SK students riding the school bus will be taken by staff to the K playground. Kindergarten staff will then organize the kids into their respective classrooms. 

Grades 1 - 4 Students -  Students entering grades 1 through 4 are asked to go to the playground behind the school. Bright orange posters with a grade number will be found on the wall of the school facing the main play field. Students are asked to go to the poster that displays his/her grade number. At that point, school staff will then organize the students into their classrooms.

Grades 5 - 8 Students - Class lists for students in these grades will be found on the windows by the west entrance of the school (the entrance closest to the park). Students are asked to find their name on one of the class lists and proceed directly up the stairs to the second level of the school. School staff will assist kids in finding the location of their classroom.


* If the weather on Tuesday morning, Sept. 3 is rainy:

 SK students will be brought into a kindergarten room where they will be organized. Please proceed to the kindergarten playground and school staff will direct you to the appropriate classroom. 

Grades 1-4 students will go into the gym. The orange posters with the grade number will be posted on the gym walls. Students will gather around their grade number posted. Teachers will organize the students from there.

Grades 5 - 8 students will follow the same routine as outlined for them above - rain or shine.....look at the class lists by the west entrance windows and proceed to the second floor. 

* School staff will be wearing orange vests so that they can be easily seen. Please approach them with any questions you may have.

* I would ask that questions regarding classroom placements be shared with Mr. Nadon (our new VP) or I (Mr. Foshay). Classroom teachers will be extremely busy organizing the students and getting the day started and can not honour your question(s) with their full attention at that point in the morning. Please go to the office to make an appointment so that your questions can be addressed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please note that our school instructional day has new times as shared with you in the spring:

8:50 am - Supervision begins on the yard. (students should not be on the yard                     prior to this time as there is no supervision).
9:05 am - Entry bell 
12:40 pm - Lunch period begins
1:30 pm - Lunch period ends
3:25 pm - Dismissal

Our staff is really looking forward to working with you to make this school year a wonderful one for all the kids. Enjoy these last few weeks of August and we will see you soon!
