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Another Mid November Update
Published on Nov 15, 2017 16:26

Hello Everyone:

I wanted to share a few more things since the update I sent a few days ago. Here they are:

* I would like to introduce Mrs. Briana Konigstein to our school. She will be working mostly in our  primary division providing planning time coverage. Mrs. Konigstein will work afternoons Monday through Friday. Welcome to St. Catherine of Siena!

* If the buses are cancelled in the "Central Weather Zone" (our weather zone) and your child is a walker or you drive them to school (your child is not a bus student) and you decide to keep your child at home, please call the school and leave a message indicating such. If your child is not at school on a "snow day" and they are a bus student, we will not be making a safe arrival call. Thank you.

* Progress Reports have been sent home today. There has been a lot of good work done. Please ensure that you have booked an interview on-line. Interviews can be scheduled for Thursday evening and all day Friday (Nov. 16 & 17). Friday is a PD classes for kids. Thank you.

* Photo re-take day is tomorrow, Nov. 16 in the morning.

Thanks everyone. We hope to see you here over the next few days for interviews.
